What is it to “bear fruits worthy of repentance” (Lk.
3:7-9)? It isn’t just to bear fruit at all or even to bear a new kind of fruit.
It is to be a new kind of tree. John the Baptizer calls out the false piety of
outward religion, the superficial or even genetic identification with Abraham.
This isn’t enough for God. The ax is laid at the root—the root. Trees are getting cut down and thrown into fire. God wants a
new kind of tree—the kind of tree that bears repentance fruits…God fruits.
“Only God can make a tree,” wrote poet Joyce Kilmer. And
only God can change the kind of tree we are. But we must throw open our
branch-arms and turn our leafy faces heavenward. We must absorb the sun and
rain of the Spirit graciously falling on us, descending upon us like a dove. We
must uproot ourselves and cast ourselves into the baptismal waters…and into the
baptismal fire.
So this tree we are becoming, this new kind of tree, turns out to be the oldest, ageless tree--a tree growing in the fertile Ground of our very being in God. This Ground is the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And this Trinity is the context of our new reality and worldview (see Matt. 28:18-20). So, we are a tree that emerges from the Ground of being, nourished by the waters of baptism and the body and blood of the Lord, and bearing the fruits of the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--fruits worthy of repentance.
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